DJane Anna (Russia)
lives in Toulouse
Anna has been in music since childhood, and her playing ranges
from piano classics to rock music.
She fell in love with tango music in 1998, and it took her more
than a decade to start dancing instead of just listening. But
it was worth it.
She loves both the music of the Golden Era and the Neo tango
music, and she hopes that someday they can coexist
"Music flows in me and I flow with music. Every set I play is
live and depends on the dance floor right here, right now. I
love that kind of continuous flow of music, that takes dancers
through time and a wide range of emotions. I am in love with
the process - of searching and trying something new, changing
and combining the music sounds into a stream at the console,
feeling the dancers’ energy...
The only frustrating thing is that there are things I really
want to dance to, but I never have an opportunity. So I dance
by myself while mixing.”
DJ Michael (Germany) lives in Freiburg
Michael is a wonderful dancer,
pianist and creative tango DJ with more than 16 years of
He is well known in and around the south-west of germany and
neighbouring countries.
He organizes milongas, plays live concerts with his tango group
"Gotas de Tango" and gives musicality workshops.
Michael has a very good feeling for alternative music.
If he were allowed to, he would also play wonderful traditional
music, in tandas 😉
DJane Mari (Germany)
lives in Hamburg
Music and creativity have always been important in her life and
she has been dancing Tango for 26 years.
Because she was looking for more variety and wanted to dance to
the music that touched her more personally, she became a
Since 2013 she plays regularly in and around Hamburg, as well
as at various national and international Marathons and
Neo-Events. She has been part of the DJ team at NeoTangoRave
and Phantastango for more than 10 years.
Her music is very versatile, Jazz, Electro, Blues, Folk, Rock,
Ambient, Oriental, Neo-Classical, Contemporary Tango, (Trip-)
Hip Hop....
Mari lives by the water and with her music, you are floating on
a wave through the evening. Creating playlists is a creative
act for her.
For Mari, Neo-Tango means: listening, getting involved,
immersing yourself, trying out, discovering, not having to be
perfect and having fun.
DJ Phil (France) lives in
Phil started as a Hard Rock DJ in the 80’s, later as a DJ for
Blues nights.
Blues lead him to Tango Neo of course, and in 2015 he started
Nueva Guardia, his Neolonga in Toulouse.
He love to make people dance with his multifaceted, well chosen
selection of music. His long experience as a DJ makes his sets
always special.
His positive way of approaching people makes him a valued
member of the international Neo Tango community.
Phil is co organizer of TNT Marathon and organizer of the Tiny
Neo Tango Barcelona Marathon.
His adaptation of the Nocturna for Neo Tango spread into the
`I'll be sending you my best vibes to try and feel your good
vibrations! It will be a pleasure to discover the atmosphere of
I've never visited your city! Super happy to be part of
this marathon. Hasta pronto ! Abrazo, Phil"
DJane Laura (Argentina) lives in
Laura has been a NeoTango-Teacher for more than 26 years
and is the most booked DJane in Hamburg.
Her music selection is very versatile and very
We are very happy that Laura is one of our DJs this year
DJ Klaus (Germany) lives
in Kassel
Klaus has more than 25 years of experience as a dancer,
teacher, DJ, co-founder and co organizer of the NeoTango
Festival "Petite Folie".
As a dancer he loves lifts. As a DJ, he loves mood changes.
DJ Volker (Germany) lives
in Kassel and Avignon
Volker is co-founder of the NeoTango Festival
"Petite Folie" in Kassel and has been dancing tango for over
years. He is an enthusiastic
NeoTango dancer since his first workshop with Mauricio
Music in a wide range of melodic passages full of energy,
changing rhythms, intense slow episodes and a pinch of
experimental inspires him to dance.
As a DJ, he wants to pass on this energy to the dancers and
inspire them to do something new.
VJ Andreas (Germany)
lives in Hannover
He is a photo, video, and concept artist.
He came to tango in 2005 and has since been interested in dance
and music, both in the so-called traditional field and in
alternative concepts.
In 2015 he expanded his artistic work to the field of visual
live performance.
Since then, his live performances can be found at many
neo-tango events in Europe. He takes the mood of the music and
the dancers and transforms it live into visual elements. These
are created by mixing and changing various graphic elements in
real-time, and in turn, influence the dancers.
He calls his live performance "Visual Dancing". The content he
uses comes partly from his exhibitions, were created by him,
especially for Visual Dancing, and comes from artist friends or
from publicly available sources.
In 2019, he established ultra-widescreen visuals up to image
formats of 72:9 in the neo-tango scene - not every projector
now projects the same image content, but a wide image is
projected across several projectors.
In 2020 and 2021, he created the artistic concept of NeotangoTV
and played virtual dance floors with his visuals for more than
300 hours.
He also created virtual stages for streamed live concerts by
Carlos Libedinsky and the Steamed Tango Project.
We saw them live and are now very happy that we were able to get them for our marathon!
On Saturday, the charismatic duo Interklang will delight us with a great mix of interpretations of well-known pieces and their own compositions.
The Duo Inter-Klang playfully overcomes the boundaries between musical genres, eras and cultures. In their new concert program
...the enchanting sound world of the Estonian composer Arvo Pärt, passionate Argentinian tango by Astor Piazolla and virtuoso variations by the Austrian violinist Fritz Kreisler merge with the joy of playing gypsy jazz by Django Reinhardt with well-known jazz classics and a tango by Tom Waits.
There are also wonderful original compositions such as the oriental-sounding instrumental piece "Sahara Wind" or the klezmeresque song "David's Tango".
Katja & Olli (Kassel, Avignon)
Katja and Olli have been dancing for over 20 years and together
for 8 years.
They give workshops that enrich dance by encouraging creativity
and breaking down established patterns.
Katja & Klaus (Kassel)
Katja and Klaus have been dancing for over 25 years and are
teaching tango in Göttingen and Kassel since 2004.
They focus in their teaching on a free and playful
interpretation of tango resp. Neotango, on a flexible approach
to leading and following and the integration of other dance
influences, dance styles and directions. They attach great
importance to body awareness and a good connection between the
Katja and Klaus organize the “Petite Folie” Neotango festival
in Kassel every year since 2018 and are also offering workshops
at the Tangorave in Bremen for several years now.